Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Dance of Death

He took his bride from where she was lying and pulled her to his chest. He wrapped his left arm around her painfully thin body and clasped her right hand in his.

His bride did not move a single inch. Though he seemed ignorant enough about that particular fact. He pulled her with him, steering her immobile body with ease for she was very thin... Like a skeleton. Their feet brushed across the smooth, marble floor of his mansion, moving in perfectly choreographed circles. A cool breeze blew in from the open windows and her white wedding gown billowed with it.

"Speak to me, my love..." he whispered, eyes lining with tears when his bride neither uttered nor made any audible sound. He buried his face in her hair and kissed the top of her head.

He tilted her backwards and her hair fell behind her, a shining curtain of black satin. The fire cracked merrily in the fireplace, its light casting long, eerie shadows of their dancing figures. Shadows that danced on the walls, mirroring their every moves to perfection. He waltzed with her to the window, both hands clutching her body to him now as his feet danced faster to the melancholic melody.

As he tilted her backwards again, the silver moonlight that poured in incessantly from the glass panes fell full on her face and he gasped in horror. It was a skull, encased in shrunken skin! A fleshless skeleton in his arms all the time. Empty eye sockets stared back at him until he dropped the corpse in complete aversion, his hands moving to clasp his mouth as he let out a shrill scream at the macabre thing lying on the floor that was his bride.

P.S. Here's the other version:
He held her, one arm around her waist and the other holding her bony hands. Her lifeless head tilted backwards and a dark, black fluid of decaying internal organs flowed out of her mouth, staining the white of her dress. He ignored the putrid liquid and the bluish skin of her already decomposing body and continued the Dance of Death.

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