Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Mary Celeste Massacre

Lady Beatrice was devastated when she heard the news. A month ago her only son had boarded the HMS Mary Celeste, one of the grandest ships her sleepy town had ever seen.

One morning, Lady Beatrice was out gardening and was surprised when a boy came running to her breathlessly. "The ship, ma'am..." he gasped. "They... they found the HMS Mary Celeste near the port..." She immediately set off for the port while the poor boy was still catching his breath. They found the HMS Mary Celeste. Found? What did he mean by "found"? 

A motley crowd was already gathering near the port and Lady Beatrice squeezed through the crowd with difficulty. Apparently, everyone on board was found dead and the ship had simply drifted back to the port. The bodies had already started decomposing and it was concluded that they were dead for at least two weeks.

That night, Lady Beatrice sat on a cliff overlooking the port. The moon shone down and the ship lurked in the dark almost sinisterly.

"You killed Matthew and everyone on the ship, didn't you?" Someone behind her said. "I saw you that night, sprinkling poison into the tea leaves and I didn't know you were planning on murdering them!"

Lady Beatrice turned around slowly and found herself staring at her son's sobbing fiancee. "Stop this nonsense and come closer, child. Let me see you clearly." Catherine stepped forward into the light reluctantly and screamed when she was suddenly pushed over the cliff.

"My Matthew was a good boy," Lady Beatrice whispered to herself, tears glinting in the moonlight. "He was a decent boy until he wanted to become part of the crew and leave his mother alone in this godforsaken town. I just want to be with my little boy... Forever..." She peered downwards at the crashing waves for a moment and jumped.

I'll always be with you, my Matthew... 

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