Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Torture Devices - Part 1

Most of you probably know that I love gruesome history. Maybe I love history becauseit's always bloody. A few years ago, there's a documentary on History Channel on ancient torture devices and I got totally hooked. Seriously, it's like amazing how people can think of all those cool things to torture someone else.

Anyway, I made a list of the most horrifying ones as there are too many minor ones and it would take me forever to list them all out. And even then, I have to split them into parts.

Warning: Not for the faint hearted.

1. Brazen Bull
This one's a torture device that originated from ancient Greece. Perillos ordered a hollow bull made entirely of brass with a side door. The condemned would be shut in the bull and a fire will be set under it, heating the metal until it became red hot and guess what happens to the person in it? Yup. Roast human. Oh yeah, and apparently the bull's head was also designed with a complex system so that the poor victim's screams were converted into the bellowing of a furious bull and the bystanders got so high they actually cheered. Cool, huh?

2. The Pear of Anguish
Doesn't it look absolutely pretty, all gold with intricate designs? Whatever you do, don't put it in your mouth. You'll puke when you listen to the story behind it. This is a torture device designed for people who committed adultery, incest, heresy or get this: sexual union with Satan. Accordingly, it will be inserted into the victim's mouth, rectum or vagina and see that handle? Turn it, and it'll open like a pretty flower. If you're lucky, you survive with your dislocated jaw. If it was inserted into your vagina or rectum, chances of survival are minimal. And even if you do survive, you'll get infection and die anyway. (They don't wash that thing.)

3. Breast Ripper
Girls, ouch! This is for women who are condemned as heretics, adulterers, blasphemers, witches... And in case you didn't see the title, it's used to rip out women's breasts. Erm, advantage? No more complaints about sore breasts every month. If you survive, that is.

4. The Judas Cradle
Another Spanish Inquisition device also known as the Judas Chair or the Spanish Donkey. This thing intrudes where it really hurts. Man, ancients are big on BDSM, aren't they? You're supposed to sit on the tip of that metal thing, naked, with weights tied to your ankles. Wonder if there are any survivors. *Glances at the tip* Probably not.

5. The Heretic's Fork
With the four sharp points rammed deep into the flesh under the chin and into the bone of the sternum, the fork prevented all movement of the head and allowed the victim only to murmur, in a barely audible voice, “abiuro” (“I recant”, engraved on one side of the fork). If instead he still refused, and if the Inquisition was the Spanish one, he was held to be an “impenitent heretic” and, dressed in the characteristic costume, was led to the stake, but with the consolation of the sacrament if extreme unction; if instead it was the Papal Inquisition, he was hanged or burnt, without the benefit of the pretty costume but still with that of proper Christian rites. In short, it's not built to kill, only to torture. 

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