Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Art of Time Frittering

Here's a sum up of what I did during this holiday:

Monday - Piano at 8.30 in the morning. So yeah, I had to get up at 7 to practice. I hope I didn't piss off any neighbours who are still sound asleep. After piano, relief relief! Watched TV till the afternoon. Went to my aunt's house and borrowed 3 black dresses for prom. (Yes! I finally got my prom dress.) She insisted on taking her Coach clutch purse too. Oh well, she did insist. I was given 5 to choose from. One of which is her 7-year-old daughter's. Ouch. Next time I know what to do: "Oh darling Ci, I'll give you all my Mars Bars and will you please lend me your Coach bag for a week? Really? Oh thank you so much." Btw, she has got Prada Kids' boots to go with that purse.

Tuesday - Faked or rather, half faked being ill - well, I did have flu and cough - and escaped choir practice. Went to Queensbay at 2 p.m. (She forgot that I'm supposed to be sick) Daren't venture into Forever21 for fear of losing my usual discipline because of self-pity ( poor dear, coughing and sneezing away. I'll buy you a pair of vintage boots to make you feel better, huh?) and end up broke. Went to Borders and Popular instead. Too exhilarated at my triumph of finally finding Julie and Julia after numerous failures and bought it. Watched TV the whole night.

Wednesday - Went to choir in the morning. Opened and closed my mouth for four hours as I still can't sing yet. Cleaned Shuen's hamster cage with Khai. Disgusting but thoroughly satisfying work. Practiced piano. Watched TV. Attempted to study - mission impossible. Went for piano. Had dinner with my big family again - aunts, cousins, nieces and nephews. Drafted my Commonwealth essay. Exhausted.

Thursday - Choir in the morning. Finally, I managed to sing very very softly. Just in case someone leaned in, heard my voice and passed out. Watched TV the whole afternoon. Attempted to study and it was a battle at Waterloo where I'm Napolean - totally defeated. Attempted to read up on Roman history - distracted by How I Met Your Mother. Watched TV the whole night. Read Julie and Julia just before going to bed.

Friday - Had my first McDonald's breakfast. Drank 3 cups of black coffee - my days of drinking sissy coffee are over. Cleaned hamster cage again. Khai got bitten; it was hilarious. Vacuumed and mopped the house. Changed the bedspreads. Colour coordinated my wardrobe. Dug out my mess and rearranged everything. Catalogued my books with dates. Hmm... Maybe I had too much caffeine. Anyways, going to Add Math tuition later. Will probably watch a movie at night.

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