Monday, July 25, 2011

Happy 17th Birthday, Love

It was my birthday yesterday and I'm officially seventeen now. Imagine, seventeen! I've dreamt about this before, way back when I was maybe eight? I thought that I'd be so grown up, so sophisticated. I thought that I would be one of those super cool graduates, you know, fun yet hardworking and stuff.

Never have I thought that I would be like I am today. Sinking deeper and deeper into the proverbial merde. Here I am, lazing away while my future looms ahead, portent and foggy. That's the word - foggy. I haven't the foggiest idea what's going to happen. I still feel as small I as felt ten, fifteen, seventeen years ago. 

But enough of all that emo shit. What I really want to say is thank you all. Thank you to all Facebook friends who greeted me. Thank you to all my friends who endured me for all these years. Thank you, everyone who touched my life, even for the briefest of seconds. And thank you, thank you, for the lovely pressies. I solemnly swear to cherish them for all my life. *guides' honour*

And most importantly, thank you to all those closest and dearest to me. I know that I used to (and will probably still) hurt you most. You watched me break down, you endured my occasional mood swings, you excused my crazy PMS behaviour, you know all my weaknesses and love me through it all. You guys rock my world and I hope I rocked yours too.

I know that I can't end my seventeenth birthday post without making any promises so here goes: I promise myself that I will study harder and I will love myself more. I promise my friends that I will try to be less maniacal during my PMS period. I promise my family that I will try to be more patient and well yeah, less PMS-bitch with them.   I promise that I will try to keep my promises.

So thank you, God, Yahweh, Buddha, Allah, Zeus, Jove, Brahma, forces of the universe, unknown beings... Thank you for seventeen years of (despite all my complaints) wonderful life. Please continue loving me. =)

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